privacy policy

Privacy Policy

Miyazaki Seiko Co., Ltd. (hereinafter “the Company”) shall respect all laws and ordinances applicable to managing personal information, and shall handle personal information appropriately.

1) Purpose of Use of Private Information

The Company shall publish in advance the purpose of use of personal information in the case that the Company tries to obtain personal information.
In the case that the purpose of use of personal information is changed, the Company shall inform each individual concerned and also publish such changes.
In the case that the Company is requested by an individual to inform the purpose of use of his/her identifiable personal information, the Company shall without delay inform the individual of the purpose unless applicable laws concerning the protection of personal information (hereinafter “the Act on the Protection of Personal Information and other applicable laws”) regulate otherwise.
2) Security Control of Personal Information
The Company shall take necessary and appropriate measures for the secure control of personal information and to protect such personal information from leakage, loss, damage, etc.
3) Assignment of Personal Information
In the case that the Company assigns all of or a part of the management of personal information to a third party, the Company shall, in order to ensure the secure control of the assigned personal information, make necessary and appropriate arrangements to supervise the third party.
4) Transfer of Personal Information to Other Parties
The Company shall not transfer any personal information without advance consent of concerned individuals unless the Act on the Protection of Personal Information and other applicable laws regulate otherwise.
5) Disclosure of Personal Information
In the case that the Company is requested by an individual to disclose his/her identifiable personal information, the Company shall disclose such personal information without delay in a manner set forth under applicable government ordinances unless the Act on the Protection of Personal Information and other applicable laws regulate otherwise.
6) Correction, etc. of Personal Information
In the case that the Company is requested by an individual to make a correction, addition or deletion (hereinafter “correction etc”) to his/her personal information owing to incorrect information being given for his/her identifiable personal information, the Company shall without delay, but within the limitation of what is necessary for the pursuit of the purpose of use, perform a necessary investigation and make correction etc. to such personal information using the result of such investigation.
7) Termination and So On of Use of Personal Information
In the case that the Company is requested by an individual to terminate the use of or make any deletions (hereinafter “termination etc”) to his/her identifiable personal information owing to the reason that such personal information is inappropriately handled against Article 16 of the Act on the Protection of Personal Information or inappropriately obtained against Article 17 of the Act and that the Company agrees to such claim from the concerned individual, the Company shall without delay, but within the limitation of what is necessary to correct such infringement, carry out termination etc. of the use of his/her personal information. However, the above shall not apply in the case that it is hardly possible to carry out termination etc. of the use of his/her personal information owing to, for example, a significant expense is required for the termination etc of use of his/her personal information and that the Company intends to take alternative measures to terminate etc in order to protect the right and interest of the concerned individual.
In the case that the Company is requested by an individual to terminate or transfer his/her identifiable personal information owing to the reason that such personal information is inappropriately transferred to third parties against Clause 1 of Article 23 of the Act on the Protection of Personal Information and that the Company agrees to such claim from the concerned individual, the Company shall without delay terminate such transfer of his/her personal information to third parties. However, the above shall not apply in the case that it is hardly possible to terminate the transfer of his/her personal information owing to for example a significant expense is required for the termination of transfer of his/her personal information and that the Company intends to take alternative measures to the termination of transfer in order to protect the right and interest of the concerned individual.